LAlarm - Free Laptop Alarm Security Software > Product > Knowledge Base > Theft Response > How to recover data on stolen laptop with LAlarm laptop alarm

How to recover data on stolen laptop with LAlarm laptop alarm

You can use LAlarm laptop alarm to recover data on a stolen laptop. The following steps configure LAlarm to transfer your data to your gmail account in case of laptop theft.

  1. Install LAlarm.
  2. Enable account lockout: Run Setup > Click Options link > Lockout tab > Configure link. Or see the LAlarm manual for enabling account lock and auditing policy.
  3. Run LAlarm Setup > Click Options link > Theft Response tab.
  4. Copy and paste the the following in the input box.“c:\program files\lalarm\lmail.exe” password “mydata” /a:”c:\”
  5. Substitute and password with your gmail email address and password. Also replace C:\ with your own file that you wish to recover.
  6. Press OK or Apply button.


  • The file will be emailed to your email account when an account is locked out. For example, a thief attempted to logon to your account with incorrect passwords for a number of times.
  • You can also recover multiple files or folders. If you wish to recover all the files in c:\mydoc folder, enter the following in the step 6:cmd /c “c:\uploadall.bat”

    And then create a file c:\uploadall.bat with the following contents:

    for %%A in (“c:\mydoc\*.*”) do “c:\program files\lalarm\lmail” password “upload all files in the folder” /a:”%%A”

    You must replace the underlined text with your own account information.

  • Due to the gmail restriction, individual file size should be less than 25MB and the total file size can not exceed more than 6Gbytes. Some other restriction may exist. If you need to recover a large amount of data, see the article 9.
  • If you have important data on your laptop, you should backup the data daily. This data recovery function is not intended to substitute the daily backup.
  • Please read the LAlarm product manual before using LAlarm. The LAlarm manual is accessible by pressing the [Help] button in the LAlarm setup program.
Posted in Theft Response